Monday, May 31, 2010

Prayer Books go to gaol in England : 1st June

The Prayer Book Society in England like the PBS in New South Wales provides Books of Common Prayer as gifts to ordinands. The English society, however, is now also providing Prayer Books for prisoners in gaols. The Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Revd James Jones, Bishop to prisons, said he was delighted to learn of this initiative. Over 100 Prayer Books have already been shipped to prison chaplains all over England. A specially prepared guide to the use of the Prayer Book in daily devotion is also being sent out.

The Revd Alison Adams, co-ordinating chaplain at Leicester has welcomed the gifts. At Peterborough, Chaplain Tim Harling commented "I would love to introduce the prayer book to people who have never experienced (its) beauty and language". "I have often thought it might allow prisoners to appreciate the 'Otherness' and special place faith can have in their lives."

Bishop James, an eirenic and impressive Evangelical leader, has said that "I hope prisoners will find comfort in the 'comfortable words' of the Book of Common Prayer and discover for themselves 'that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'."